Paul planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.

A community is known by its history. Even though the Kerala Pentecost Community has crossed a century but, its history has never been scribed.

The present Christian Community as in its beginning is still going through lots of trail and suffering as in first century. As years passed by the Pentecostal Congregation grew immensely that it cannot be excluded from the Christian Community. The increased growth in the numbers has brought recognition to the Pentecostal congregation to the world. But a Christian organisation is not to be recognised by its strength in numbers but by setting its core foundation on word of God.

The twentieth century Pentecostal movement was benefited by the foreign missionaries. By 1911 Pentecostal missionary started spreading widely across Kerala and many Pentecostal congregations sprang up. The following years the Pentecostal congregation in Travancore grew strong and they started worshipping God in truth and spirit. The history marks that, by mid of twentieth century the Pentecostalism spread immensely across Kerala and thousands started worshipping God. In later years many set out looking for jobs and missionary works to different parts of the world like Europe and Arab countries and they started Malayalam Pentecostal worship there.

The History of the Church dates back to the 1976 , a vision was birthed out of the hearts of a few families who had immigrated from India and who had been gathering together in various homes to worship God with the same traditions and cultures of their homeland.

In the year 1976 Pastor P.D Thomas, Pastor P.M Philip, Pastor George Joseph, Br Georgekutty Yohanan arrived in UAE and to worship the Lord they formed a church in name of Satwa Pentecost Fellowship. During this period Pentecost Communities in UAE were very few. The ministry work of Pastor P.D Thomas and Pastor P.M Philip enhanced the church’s growth under the leadership of P.D Thomas.

Pastor.PM Philip (Joy Pastor)

Pastor.PM Philip (Joy Pastor)

In the year 1979-1980 there was wide awakening of Pentecostalism in UAE. In the year 1980 PENTECOSTAL REVIVAL CHRUCH was formed in Dubai Trinity Compound. In the following years Youth Committee was formed, which lead to further growth of the church. After some year Pastor P.D Thomas left to Kerala and Pastor P.M Philip took charge of the church. During this period with the help of church and youth committee, camp visits and preaching Gospel to Malayalee Communities was prioritised due to which God enabled the church to grow immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Simultaneously during this period Sunday school, Ladies meeting etc were also formed for the spiritual growth of the church. Vehicles were arranged to Dubai, Sharjah etc area thereby adding to growth of church. Many were baptised and joined the church and received Holy Spirit. In the beginning of 2007 Pastor P.M. Philip’s health condition worsened and on May 2012 he was promoted to glory to be with the Lord. God enabled Pastor P.M Philip to minister the church for a longer period and gain lots of people for God.

Today, nearly 40 years later, The Pentecostal Revial Church has grown to over 80 regularly attending family members and continues to grow year by year. We are currently looking for ways to reach out more to our community for kingdom of Lord Allmighty...